Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Learning How To Meditate

Article Title:
Learning to Meditate - Whether or not Find it challenging to Focus

Article Body:

Have you tried to learn to meditate before, but given up in frustration because your 'monkey mind' just couldn't seem to shut up? If so, you're not alone - this is a very common experience. Don't let it put you off learning to meditate altogether though, because the benefits are definitely worth it - and there's a technology available that makes the whole process much easier. Read on to find out more.

The Problem - Why Meditation Can Be So Hard

Whatever form of meditation you try, the underlying method will be similar. Meditation basically involves focus - by focusing closely on something, such as a candle flame, your breath, or a mantra, you gradually quiet the mind. It is this mental peace that provides the gateway to the benefits of meditation, such as stress reduction, increased insight and spiritual growth, access to your inner wisdom, and even psychic abilities.
The problem is that as a society, we're not taught to focus effectively. We grow up with undisciplined thoughts rampaging around our minds, and this state of mental anarchy feels normal. And then when we try to learn to meditate as adults, the mind rebels against the new discipline - staying focused feels overwhelmingly difficult.
As with any new skill, meditation gets easier with practice, but it can take years to learn to gain enough control over your mind for it to be effective. And most people don't want to wait that long.
Fortunately, you don't have to.

The Solution - Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment (also known as brainwave synchronization) can help you to learn meditation more quickly and easily. Put simply, this works by using repeating stimuli (such as a recording containing periodic sound pulses) of a certain frequency. The brain has a natural tendency to match - i.e. entrain to - the frequency of the sound; this is called the 'frequency following response'.
When you meditate, your brain will naturally produce alpha brainwaves (about 8 - 12Hz in frequency) as you start to relax, and you'll then descend into the theta brainwave band (5 - 8 Hz) as your meditation deepens and the mind quiets down. It is in the theta band that many of the most powerful of benefits of meditation occur.
It can be difficult for those who are just beginning meditation to access and maintain the theta state, but it's much easier when you use a brainwave synchronisation recording that is designed to take you to this level, since your brain will follow along naturally, matching its own brainwaves to the recording.

Using Brainwave Synchronization Meditation Recordings

So, if you want to experience all the great blessings that meditation can provide, it makes sense to give brainwave entrainment a try. Just sit or lie down in a comfortable, quiet place, listen to your recording and let your mind follow along.
It may take some practice before you experience the full benefits of brainwave entrainment, but it'll almost certainly be faster and easier than trying to go it alone.
There are three types of recordings available - binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones. They all work very well, but isochronic tones are generally agreed to be the most effective, as they're especially efficient at entraining the brain quickly.

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